The Program


Literacy Enrichment

ONCE UPON A TIME... Discovering the Magic in Reading© is a 30-60 minute high energy and inspiring one-woman show in which students learn how and why reading is important. The program is colorful and musical, interactive and inspiring, emotionally compelling and thoroughly engaging.

Original stories are modified as needed to “tailor” the material to the audience, from kindergarten to high school.

The stories make the audience laugh and look back, cringe and cry, and then, with the music swelling and the audience at their most emotionally vulnerable, the storyteller reminds them what it means that they are able to feel emotions from simply hearing and imagining these stories; what it says about themselves.  She reminds them where these stories come from and how to get those feelings back. 

And more...  She reveals “The Scroll”...   


“Once Upon a Time...
Discovering the Magic of Reading”

Promotional Video 
on YouTube